Work with the front backrest

I am continuing working with the front backrest. I made the bottom wood piece and also the pillars for the top wood piece.I have test mounted this together to see how it would line up with the sidepanels.

The doors on the left side is sandblasted and the front door was very and many small holes in .I decided to make a new one .All the wood  is new made.All the hinges for the doors has also been repaired and sandblasted.

I have dismantled the cylinder head bolts and the bolts for the exhaust and intake manifold on the engine.



I have made the wood pieces  for the midsection and also mounted them in the right place.The doors have been put in the correct positions to see if the pillars are in the right position

The cut out for the hinges has been made on the pillars.The cowl has also got an layer of filler with ground primer on top of it.



I have started to dismantle the engine.New side plates on the cowl has been made and welded in place in both sides.

The front floor pieces is new.Ready to fit in place.


Wood work

I am working to make and fit in the wood pieces to the cowl.The engine was also mounted one more time to see if the  front engine mounting is placed in the right position to the frame front engine cross member.The next to fit in place is the windshield frame with the brackets which will be some thinking about and solve how they are fitted to the wood.


Engine mounting

I am testing the mountings for the engine. I want to see how the firewall fits in with the cowl.

In the same way I am also fitting  the post for the front door  to the ash frame and the cowl .

As for the front cross member I have mounted a wooden piece to see how it fits with the third point of suspension


Wood frame

The wood frame has been glued and screwed together.It has also got three layers of varnish on the upper side.

The side against the frame I have painted black.


Rear body plate work

Hi ,

all readers the new year begins with making the rear right fender to fit and after remaking one left fender to fit in the right side.

The rear body is so far the most of the plate work done some minor welding is still left to be done.

I have began to fit  the cabriolet stays and the fastners.Some iron are broken and so is also the most of the wood ribs.

The plate to to the rear seat is ready to but back in place some of it must new plate be welded in small spots.


Christhmas 2009

The work continue with plate work on the right rear side.Almost ready with the plate work next step is get the rear fender in place.

With this I which you all a Merry X-Xmas and a Happy New Year with this pictures.



Hi there,

Now I have finished the work on the left side after mounted the stay that holds the top roof.

I have started on the right side with test mount the body plate and welded the wheelhouse in the right place.


Rear section

I have been working with the rear body.The first step was to cut the bottom wood along the sides to somewhat right shape.The rear body was first sandblasted. The left rear fender is mounted with new panel around and in the wheelhouse.The magneto has been dismantled and also put together again.There is no force in the U-magnets so there is time to reload them again.